; See I’d Catch A Grenade For Ya,

Zayanah ☮

Still young, going sixteen coming 19'08. I have my own ways of living. Im'ma philophobic. I have greatest family, awesome friends around me. I cry, envy, laugh, love easily. Floorball is my sport and hotpink is my favourite all time.

USUALS, i luv them foreva.
boyfriend♥, i luv him everyday.

Baby You`re Th Best I Ever Had


Just Dance Gonna Be Ok.


sick of this shits
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

i hate after school hours. oh yeah, read that caption. i'm the jealous type. tell me which girls dont? well maybe i can tolerate and dont get too over fr the little things but hell yea, got smth to do w ex really pissed me offff~ bile mase nye aku tknk kau aku blg lah k? aku sumpah tgh marah so kdg2 ape aku bobal pun aku tak mean it i feel like letting out all here

thanks bloggy, you saved me. i really get to express everything here. and i hav to sorry when i said this just now:
' if im not with you, i won't feel this way now'

stop w the shits. let's move to sch just now. Oh well, school was awesome/great/amazing/fun/exciting! i really love my day if i get to laugh super alot. and thanks boys fr making me into tears because i cannot stop laughing. Calvin was playing w a girl name. hahaha! shh. only us knw :P thought of meeting Mardiah aft sch but mama suddenly msg wanna meet me coz she was bored at home. so meet mama aft sch but bfre that went to meet yan. I guess i waste my time going to meet you. /: Mid year starts on 4May. fassssssst kan?! grrr~ k uh. bye. tired alrdy. WANNA MEET MY FULL USUALS SOON.


im getting older~
Sunday, April 3, 2011

HI! Im back. well i just have to post something. I got nothing to do now so let me update about my life. stroll down! LAST UPDATE WAS ON 18 FEBRUARY. Haha! Now, is the month of April. Fast siaaaa. And few months to N level alrdy. WALAAAO. I really can't believe time flies fast and oh im going to be sweet sixteen soon hor. But honestly, i miss being a kid. being a lower sec girl. being a pampered girl. being a weak girl. being a cheerful girl. being a childish girl. being a very short girl. being a sec 1 girl. being a sec 2 girl. being a sec 3 girl. being a baby. being in the PAST. HEH HEH.

Oh yes, all the past years really brings me a good flashback when i miss them. I still do remember my first time stepping into springfield with my mum fr first day of school. get to knw the classmates/schmates, get into the cca i chosen, come fr trainings, i fell in love with the most handsome guy in my sec1/2 class/ i have crushes and blablabla. AWWWWW I MISS THOSE BITTERSWEET MEMORIES! Oh yeah, this may be a long post coz i just want to pen down what i've missed. i rmbr which guy made me cry like hell, that taught me how to love, that makes me cry like i lost a mum. HAHA. i swear i can laugh when i try to rewind those times.

and now, im a secondary four sudent. A senior in school. huhu~ k nth to be proud of. but im envy looking at the lower secs can? STILL CAN ENJOY LIFE. STILL CAN SMELL FREEDOM. STILL CAN CONTINUE WITH FUN ACTIVITIES!!! While this year, all focused 100% on studies. Wed first two periods, other levels th sch organised games and things fr them while the sec4s and 5s have sch assignment. MCM THANKSSSSSS...

So how about school? hmm, doing fine. wanna talk about my art? HAHAHA. Okay, i guess im the slowest in class sia. tell ya, i hate art damn much right. i suck in it totally. but nvm, gonna keep trying. :) I'm quite okay with all subs in school except fr chemistry!!!! i really need to buck up. Mid year coming also. haiy, study dates soon. Mama told me tuition starting in April. Now april alrdy still not started. :S about life eh erm i love this way better compared to last year. :) thank god i always pray hard that 2011 will be good and yeah, it is. im not weak like last time. I won't let anyone step over my head anymore hor. Last year i guess im always dwn w r'ship probs lah, moody and sort of things but this year, heh im not. i looked more happy and lively in school. And all thanks to luv and usuals baby. without them, i dont think school life will be great.

and i don't care how pretty amazing and ugly you are, but please respect me and i'll respect you. im a soft hearted girl who knws how to control anger and be patient even things get tougher. everybody deserve a second chance is true. but after second, there's no thrice

I get this from tumblr and baby i wish i could read this all out to you. i hope we will last long. we'll never know what the future might bring so i promise you i will never let you go. im sorry fr all the arguments i've caused all this while. i know im always at wrong coz yeah, im a sensitive girl who takes some things up so seriously. i don't need comments from others coz only my bf knws how to handle me in all this. Hehehe :P

besides that, school life won't be complete only with teachers but i really have to thank god for having them fr me!
the usuals and boobass. We've been hanging and slacking alot. Outing day outs and so on. i really hope even next year some of us are leaving, we are still keep in touch! remember, relationship may just be a temporary thing in life but friends are the one who can be with you and last foreva.

okay, i gtg. i better get nap soon. Body aching and oh! going to attend tmrw's floorball training. oh man, i miss full floorball team. )': since im lack of updates, im glad Ryan and I has turned 5mths plus. Teehee! we better last long baby. i love you. okay byeeeeeeee


i wish boyfriend and usuals can stay w me foreva.
Friday, February 18, 2011

Busy w school nowadays. Get tired all time after i reached home.
No time to blog already. huhu~ so yeah, the floorball team b div has stepped down since we alrdy lost to go fr the 2nd round. )':

Now, gonna focus on my studies. Common Test coming in days time.
Going fr study-date later on w Mardiah and Ryan. I don't really have the mood now.

And yknw what, i luv yesterday coz i laughed so much. Especially after school. :)
Slacked w Mar/Farl/Ryan/Irfan.
Thanks Ryan fr being there fr me whenever i need you most.

And i really have to say you're the best i ever had. No other guy can treat me as sweet as you bie. HAHA. 5more days to our 4th. Fassssst sia. Meet you later baby. I love you.

And idc if we wondering how long this friendship last coz i knw we, the usuals will last forever.


weird dreams.
Saturday, February 5, 2011


When i entered my blog, it looks so dead so i started to have a proper post today! (: and guess what. im all alone now. Mama off to work. Brothers stay over at Nenek house. Im bored now and currently facebooking and chatting w Ryan at the same time. I dont understand why he's the only guy i knew who can wake up earlier than i am even he slept v late at night yesterday. supposingly guys should be waking up late right? HAHA.

Last wednesday was CNY celebration. Went to eat w schmates and slacked at Sun. Homed by 4+pm. and thanks to you fr making it worse at the end of the day. like you said, both of us owned a fragile heart. i know its good fr you to tell the truth. but i get hurt by the truth yet disappointed if you were to tell a lie. k whatever. everything back to normal now. <: Thursday and Friday was public holidays. went out fr both days. hehe. So today will be staying at home alone fr me. maybe i will be doing some revision. and do research on my art. (HOPEFULLY) 8 FEB!!!!! Argh, im worried. nervous. Match against Northland. A strong team. hmmm. If we were to lose this match, diedie must win Coral to qualify to next round. I will play my best fr Tuesday game. (:
USUALS - fne
Tomorrow school starts. I luvvv Monday. and hates the rest of the days. hehe.
Im loving 2011 more than 2010. i love how things were now. but i hate the fact school ends at 3:30pm! so lateeeeeeeeeeee.

my part of school life was spend most w Mardiah.

Thursday went to meet Ryan.
Ehub! then trained back to Tampines.
LJS and roamed around T1. hah, best oi tempat sunyi. hehehe

thanks fr the treat and you never fail to make my day an enjoyable one.
i love you.

29 January.
Went to watch the Springfield Musical over at Hwa Chong Institution.
Lost our way there. patah2 balik. hahah!
The show was awesome!!!!
Took few pictures with the favourite people.
reached home at 3+ am coz mama bring me out to eat.
bfr i frget, thanks to Mardiah and Jazli fr accompanying me till my mum arrive. :)

And guess what, i just received a msg that there will be training tomorrow. THANKS.
K bye.


3rd mthsary.
Monday, January 24, 2011

hi, i luv monday. went to school w baby today. luv MT lesson most at all times. after sch, went to watch b div soccer match against Siglap. Siglap won. Congratsssss. Slack w usuals fr awhile and backed home. idk what to say coz there's nth in my mind now. /: im sleepy actually.

tomorrow, 2nd game against Pei Hwa. Win please!!! *prays hard* gonna leave class early and going back to sch and continue w lessons perhaps. hopefully there's no trng afterthat coz i wanna watch baby match. heeeeeh. i miss you sia. even i know it kinda straights days seeing ya. Sat, ryan fetch me frm trng and send me home. and this coming Sat, going Spf Musical w floorballers.

and i know, my usuals baby and my boyfriend knows who i truly hate a girl in our school. i hate you, i dont like you. thats about it. and ya, ryan told me jam tkmo step mane nye G-shock eh pleaseeeeeeeee. HAHAHAH.

Sunday, which is yesterday went out w Mardiah, Ryan, Jazli and Jeeha. It was coincidence meeting Yan and Jaz there. Heh. Went to Penin to bought my top and train-ed back to Tamp to eat. Head to Food Culture. Slack at T1 rooftop. Jeeha came and roamed around w her after the rest left. i was f frustrated and was wondering why were you acting so strangely?! im worried and fr sure, concern about you dearest. seriously, oh yea. moodswings. i understand.

can anyone accompany me to WS on wednesday? i really need a new wallet. huhu.

i will and never forget, 24th tells something. (sevenmthsofknwing)


We're 3mths old and i wish when my age gets older, both of us grows older as well. i want our love story to last v long. rmbr when you asked me am i willing to wait fr ya ard 6-7 more years? hehe. I swear you've been th best. better than the best i suppose. i never regret being w ya. you're the only one i need. you're the one who can tolerate my nonsense 24/7. you're the one who can bear and never give up on me. im truly sorry abt yesterday night, i was angry and sent you texts like how i actually fought w a friend. insert harsh words, i called you stupid and things like that. i dont mean it. frm the bottom of my heart, i love you so much. always and forever. muaaaaaaaaaaah.


not in good mood /:
Friday, January 21, 2011

this post is published on 22/01/11

hi, i miss updating. many things was on my mind that i wanted to share earlier. been busy and tired all time after i got home frm school days. My weekends will be occupied w fb trng and maybe last min study date. today is sat and will be going fr NTU trng followed by sch trng. and bet ya it MUST AND WILL BE exhausting. honestly, i wasn't in the mood today. idk why. i received 4 msges frm ryan and dont feel like replying at all. /: i had sweetdreams of us but i just feel something isnt right. why must this feeling always be suckish and i'll strt my negative thinking every single day?! it suck. it suck. it suck.

Recently, had floorball tournament w Bedok South fr the first match and thank god, we won 11-1~ :D Proud of my team-mates, they played so well. let's play this way and tougher games ahead of us. we can do this right girls? top2 pleaseeeeeeeeee (: Im not feeling well few days back and i am now. but i guess, its getting better. my voice sounds so hoarse. Yesterday was meet-the-parent-session. Mama came down and talk stuffs about N lvl i will be seating on September. how i wish i can drop Art. seriously. i hate art vvvv much but i hate THAT girl more. luving my classmates every single day in class. especially w my circle of friends surrounds me. SUCH AS, Mardiah, Ubaidul, Farliyana and few who came around that makes me alive in class. Hopefully we can get close again next year! <:

Yesterday after physcl edctn, i was weak. Sat fr a test during MT. Mar was absent so all day w Farl. she busy messging someone until that smeone phne get confiscated! HAHAHA. psst2 uh lagy. :P After sch, head to tamp inter and bfr that, we bumped into MRS LEE! We miss her aloot, i swear i prefer her teaching fr phy. Had my KOI drink and i love it. went Popular to get sch stuffs and went back to area ard sch to slack cozzzzzzzz we still have plenty of hours left before the time strikes at 7. Afiq, Ryan, Irfan came afterthat. And yessssz ah, Ryan gets 9 fr his jersey number!! hehe. same as me, w this number you must score alot of goals okay sayaaaang? You kan top scorer! haha, *kembang* Afiq left, Mardiah came. slackslackslack, ard 6.30 the guys left and went bck to sch fr the MPS. I wanna step down frm floorball asap. seriously. i wanna focus on my studies next. thats important. okay, i better get going now. meeting baby after trng. kay bye.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

why not fact 24? :P

So hi, school was fine. had so much fun w classmates and usuals/schmates.
loving my mrngs w love.
Team Challenge ystrdy.
Did not won anything fr girls but congrats to 4A soccer boys for winning 2nd! :D
went to 711 w the favs. and backed home w amrl.

Went fr trng w NTU and continue sch trng w Mr Lim.
Dismissed ard 6.30pm.
Ryan fetched me and thanks fr sacrificing yr time even you're feeling unwell.
Had LJS and bus-ed 65 home.
Thanks baby fr sending me home safely.
Bumped w little bro at T1 was funny. i did not realize until baby said, oi, adik you panggil lah gile. Pekak pe? Heh heh. Bkn pekak, tak prasan lah kental. laughed alot w this boy and
im getting blue black all over my arms, thanks to ya.

im jealous. im jealous. im jelaous.


babyyyyy i love ya.
Monday, January 10, 2011

hiiiiii, im lack of updates after school starts! and dismissed at 3.30 everyday except Fri. last week was such a busy week fr me as the floorball girls had to organised the sec1s orientation and booth. it was really a tiring week and reached home late everytimeee. whats important is to manage my time well. I hope after b div tournaments, im going to focus 101% on studies. fr now, i need to be more engaged in cca as my first match begins on 17Jan!!!!

Mr lim told us the schools we going to play with fr the 1st round. prays hard, what the team aimed fr comes true. On the 8th, had match, training and team dinner. Played 5 periods fr game. 3hours of trng afterthat and team dinner next. Team dinner was awesome and hilarious. i laughed alot, and it was such a good night to spend w my dear team-mates! :)

what about school? perhaps, when class was dismissed @ 3.30 is not a problem anymore. im used to it already. but i'll get sleepy especially fr geog, art lessons. And yay! i get to sit beside this annoying yet the best bitch in class. she's the one who can turn me on and get hyper EASILY. Like how we did just nw. I luv today v well? hehe. firstly, i went to sch w love and he's so proud he is 10cm taller than me? okay wtv eh. and im sad to say, im not growing but gaining. THAAAAAANKS. secondly, im in a good mood today and i luv Mondaaaaay! im more attentive during MT when you know i never focus at every single lesson last year. slack w full usuals after school today! i like ittttt~ i miss my boyfrieeeeeeend.

so yeah, i've been facebooking and whats up w the people typing at their status about the new people in our school. and this especially to ya girl, you wanna comment about the kids now, look at ya back when you're in sec1?! you're exactly or perhaps worse than them. perangai baru naik sumer nk step maut sia. hahaha. im lucky that this year i dont really get to see ya often. coz i really hate to see ya ard. seriousss.i thought of being a better person not to hate and stop insulting, but i can't and take back my words. eh friends, i've been telling ya i hate 6 right? heeeh.

study date w Mar/farl/fie and pit yesterday. took hundreds of webcam pictures. im glad that i had good friends around that i can share my problems to. Farliyana have been the one who knows the conflict i had w love nwadays. and fie is the guy who knws how i felt too. thanks. every argument we had, i admit it was my fault. i shouldnt said that. yes, i may sound a bastard to ya coz i cant hide my feelings any longer. but now, i promised myself that it wont happen again. you trying hard not to talk abt ya past when actually i still do every single day. how are you not f hurt abt it? sorry baby. and yes, honestly this is my best relationship i ever had. this is the way i want it to be. there's fights, there's love, there's trust, there's patient.

today is the released of Olevel results and idk why, im scared myself. i know im going to sit fr my Nlvl soon. Its very confusing to either going to sec5 or take the ITE route? hmmm. i better be studying hard this year. my dream is to sec5. thats what im praying for. more study-dates loves.

babbbbbbbbby, you know im going to spend lesser time w ya. this year is an important year fr me. i know you understand me v well eh. and yeah, i dont need anything but i need one special thing from you and that is, BE FAITHFUL TO ME. bye


2010, i miss ya.
Monday, January 3, 2011

hi, im smelly now. i havent bath since i got home an hour ago.
Had floorball trng in the mrng frm 8.30am till 1pm -.-
Lunch w Deena, backed home.
i put my earpiece on but the volume was low and i remembered when i first stepped into the bus, two malay guys was like, "eh lawa eh pmpn nie. mtk knal2 nak?" yg penting aku dgr uh
ape krg ckp.

thought of meeting Qamar to take our alter skirts/pants and quickly changed up once i reached home. but being too exhausted, i told Qamar to pass me tmrw and sorry fr the trouble. heh heh.

i told baby that im not taking my skirt today and he asked,
him: abeh bsk tak pakai skirt uh?
me: last year nye tak leh pakai per?
him: eh, you masih muat lagy ker? scandal i (my mum) ckp you dah gemok kan?
eh hello, the last year skirt im wearing still lose okay asshole.

So tmrw is the first day of school of 2011. i promise baby not to sleep in class. HAHA. yeah, i really need to be more attentive now. expecially fr maths. i slacked too much last year, i listened to songs while other classmates are doing their work. i laughed so much w my own clique during maths class, i talked so much until teacher give me assignments to do and do not know what to do. yes, thats my attitude last time. always wanna have fun. hehehe. hopefully when subject teachers started teaching, i i'll get rid of that habit. :D

will be having training tomorrow. ): wed-fri will be busy w the sec1s. and aku tak sabar uh nk tgk bdk2 sec 1 masuk sekolah aku. seriously when i rewind back at the secs1 last year and how i look at them, it always remind me when im sec1. so blur to go everywhere, v timid. v shy, v quiet. now? HAHA, no need say eh. my school is where i get to meet my usuals and crushes and classmates and exboyfriends and boyfriend. school life is one of the biggest memories i never ever forget. (':
i hate waking up early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so how tmrw? hmmmm.
eh, i lazy to go to school anymore. i feel like skipping school and have holidays forever.
i feel like going finland again. i feel like slacking w usuals again. i feel like meeting baby again. i feel like to be in HOLIDAYS yet again!

EH! I TAKE BACK MY WORDS. I told myeslf, i wanna be discipline now. hehehe :D
yes, not to be late tmrw. can't wait to meet classmates! schoolmates tomorrow. please Zayanah,
be in good mood tmrw. thanks.

so yesterday, went out w Mardiah, Farliyana, Sufie and Qamar. alter skirts, roamed around, bought stationaries, accompanied Mar to buy sch shoes, slacked, and backed to Bedok to accompany Qamar buy his sch shoes and went to watch the boys play soccer fr awhile, saw Ryan but didnt get to talk since im going home early. )': backed home and had funny conversation w mama. mama knws me the best. me and her can give a i knowyou know look when there's smth funny thats happening. hehe. love you mama.

okay i wanna bath, eat, text baby fr awhile and dozed offffff~ i very tired okay. byee


bye 2010 )':
Friday, December 31, 2010

hi, the photo is small and idk why when actually it suppose to be large size -.- okay idk where to start so anyway hi 2011! finally 2010 end. )': i feel like tearing up when i countdown alone at home an hour ago. a new chapter begins fr a new year. i have set my own resolutions. and i wanna keep to myself coz yea i know people will be like action speaks louder than words. but one of it will always be, study diligently fr next year. yes yes! a must. a very important year fr me next year, N level okay. heeeeh. and i want lesser conflivts w any freaking one on earth please. hahaha!

i wanna be a better person starting from now. can i stop insulting anyone frm now? can i stop hating anyone frm now? haha. okay, thats a lie i guess. who doesnt hate anyone righttt? huhu. honestly, its has only been one person i kept hating and insulting and my usuals and baby knws who. HAHA. okay i better be nice now. :) mama is out celebrating w her friends outside. im at HOME. yes, this year at home but i promise to myself to go out w anyone as long i can celebrate fr 2012 please. chey, hahaha. nari baru 2011 sia. lame lagy nk bobal pasal 2012 -.-

I thought of going out w Farliyana and the boys just now. mama allowed but she was worried about so much things. so ended up, i stayed at home and yeah, she stop nagging. hehe. and also, i was too exhausted as i was in school from 11.30 all the way to 5+ fr floorball game and training. laughed so much w Deena and Mardiah. after trng went to LJS and started to share about the funny experiences we had. now is a new year, i wanna laugh so much as that really makes me happy all time. laughing is the best medicine always.

you know what, i feel like going out now!!!! and meet you can? hahaha. i really miss you already. and hopefully, 2011 be a good year fr us. no heartbreak and our promises must be kept aite. luv you baby. i have no idea what to say next. i've been playing computer since 8+pm okay!!! hehe.

before i leave, let me say this from bottom of my heart aite about what i felt before saying goodbye 2010. hmmmm. seriously, i dislike 2010. from the start. idk why. problems have been occuring and i had bad days most times. i was in a rship beginning of last year and up to now i still do :o but i wasn't w the same guy. 2010 has bittersweet memories same like past years. i knew many new friends. new memories w different people. new guy to be in love with. seven months of 2010 i was loved by you and you are loved by me rmbr? you are the one i nvr forget as you was marked smth really important in 2010 and the memories/heartbreak/unforgettable moments/favourite little things all are still running thru my mind. do you know that any song i listened to, i rmbered ya first coz everything got to do w ya before. now, things has change. the present was much better. you are happy w ya single life. im happy w my love life. anyway, all the best. 2010 my best times was, 3A CAMP! FINLAND TRIP. Any single moments w family, classmates, floorball mates and my freva usuals. sadly, i spend lesser time w Nabilah baby, nadia and bahiyyah this year. 2010, i love you still. but i wish 2011 will be better so i can love ya more alright. 2010, i luv my hair, i luv my flawless face, i luv when im happy, i just hate when im moody and cried like god knows how much tears flowing dwn frm my eyes. 2011! be a good year okay. i promise to overcome obstacles and be strong. and i wanna last long in rship this time. hee. i wanna study hard! i dnt wanna have any conflicts between friends or whatever anymore. i hate those kinds. okay bye, wanna text my boyfriend.

happy new year!
